Class of 1972 50th Reunion
We will be starting our Event on Friday, May 27th with a Cocktail party at a classmate’s property. Start time to be announced. Everyone is invited from the class with their spouse or significant other. There will be some light snacks, water, beer and wine. Everyone is welcome to bring a treat of their choice to put on the table to share. The best part of this evening is we have so many wonderful musicians in our class, many have already agreed to play and entertain us. All classmates and partners are invited to join in the musical fun. If you are local and can bring your instrument, Great! If not, you are welcome to use what is available. It will be for sure a great time!
Saturday night the 28th there will be dinner and dancing at the Radison Hotel on Post Road near the airport. We have reserved rooms that you can book if you are from out of town OR if you just don’t want to drive home after the party. There will be a wonderful buffet with lots of food, coffee & tea, dessert. We have hired a duo DJ Team that will complete our night. We are hoping everyone will come – please send us your e-mail or phone number so we can reach out. We would very much like to do an e-mail blast with more information, the ticket price to reserve your two night class celebration. 50 years only comes once !!! SEE YOU ALL THERE.